What are Webhooks?
Web hooks are an incredibly useful and a resource-light way to implement event reactions. Web hooks provide a mechanism whereby a server-side application can notify a client-side application when a new event (that the client-side application might be interested in) has occurred on the server.
Webhooks are also sometimes referred to as “Reverse APIs”. In APIs, the client-side application calls (consumes) the server-side application. Whereas, in case of web hooks it is the server-side that calls (consumes) the web hook (the end-point URL provided by the client-side application), i.e., it is the server-side application that calls the client-side application.
Webhooks operate on the concept of “event reaction” (don’t call me, I’ll call you if I have something new), and thus avoids the need for constant polling of the server-side application by the client-side application. Thus, rather than the client-side application constantly polling the server-side application to check for new events, the server-side application calls the client-side application (by invoking a client provided webhook URL) anytime the server-side has something new to report to the client.
OpenPath Webhook Implementation
Currently in the OpenPath Enterprise Merchant Portal, you can setup one or more webhooks, which are triggered whenever a transaction is completed by OpenPath on one or more OpenPath sites. When this Webhook is triggered, it will pass an OpenPath Packet to a Merchant specified URL, which then needs to be configured on the Merchant side to handle that payload.
This data can also be matched up with the original transaction sent by the Merchant by matching up Packet ID returned in the Header response of the request with the Packet ID received by the Webhook.
Setting up Webhooks in OpenPath
To setup Webhooks in the OpenPath Enterprise Merchant Portal, login to your OpenPath account at https://client.openpath.io and follow these steps:
- In the left-hand navigation bar near the bottom, find the gear icon called Settings & Tools and click on that
- Then locate the Webhooks tile and click on the Outgoing link
- Next click on the Add Webhook Subscription tile.
- This will take you to the configuration settings tab of your Webhook Subscription
- On this screen you must supply a Name and a URL
Name: This can be anything and should be something that helps you identify the Webhook
URL: This is the URL you want to send the packet payload to; this is a server on your end that will received the payload (for testing purposes we will use https://webhook.site/).
Active: Determines if this Webhook Subscription will fire or not
Attempt Limit: This is the maximum attempts this webhook subscription will continue to fire before automatically disabling.
Failed Attempts Count: Is how many times this webhook subscription has failed
Reset Failed Attempt: Allows you to reset a failed webhook subscription - After you have entered the information above, you need to select which sites you want to trigger this webhook subscription against by selecting the Connected Sites tab
- Select the sites by dragging the available sites over to the assigned sites column
- Once complete, click on the Save button in the lower right-hand side of the screen
Example Payload
"packet": {
"packet_id": 5185234,
"received": "2021-04-02T16:20:16.7996407Z",
"SiteKey": 1236,
"Transaction": {
"transaction_id": 17624171,
"type": "sale",
"total": 19.95,
"currency": "USD",
"invoice_number": "4564895",
"decription": "",
"ip_address": "",
"tax_exempt": false,
"approved": "approved",
"authorization_code": "123456",
"payment_transaction_Number": "6141225290",
"credit_card": {
"credit_card_id": 2008687,
"masked_card_number": "411111XXXXXX11111",
"expiration_date": "2028-12-31T23:59:59.999999",
"bin_iin_number": "411111",
"brand": "VISA",
"country_code": "US",
"country": "UNITED STATES",
"card_type": "CREDIT",
"sub_brand": "",
"category": null,
"Customer": {
"customer_id": 1862626,
"first_name": "Jack",
"last_name": "Pline",
"email": "jack.pline@noemail.com",
"gto_id": "PLINEJACK*93022",
"customer_type": 1,
"Addresses": [
"customer_address_id": 1801886,
"normalized_address": "123MAINST",
"address_line_1": "123 Main St",
"city": "East Lansing",
"provence_state": "MI",
"postal_zip_code": "48823",
"country": "US"
"Addresses": [
"credit_card_address_id": 1903490,
"normalized_address": "123MAINST",
"address_line_1": "123 Main St",
"city": "East Lansing",
"provence_state": "MI",
"postal_zip_code": "48823",
"country": "US"
"surcharge": 0,
"Details": null,
"Attributes": [],
"Paths": [
"path_id": 30073371,
"from": "External",
"source_name": "",
"to": "Site",
"destination": "Basic Site",
"result": "Passed",
"reason": "Transaction authenticated and passed to the NMI Sandbox Gateway Connector Path.",
"error": null,
"timestamp": "2021-04-02T16:20:25.7279598Z",
"DestinationKey": 1236,
"SourceKey": 0,
"TransactionId": 17624171,
"Transaction": null
"path_id": 30073372,
"from": "Site",
"source_name": "Basic Site",
"to": "Gateway",
"destination": "NMI Sandbox Gateway",
"result": "Passed",
"reason": "Transaction is valid for this connector and passed externally to Sandbox for processing.",
"error": null,
"timestamp": "2021-04-02T16:20:26.1040777Z",
"DestinationKey": 1432,
"SourceKey": 1236,
"TransactionId": 17624171,
"Transaction": null
"path_id": 30073373,
"from": "Gateway",
"source_name": "NMI Sandbox Gateway",
"to": "External",
"destination": "Sandbox",
"result": "Passed",
"reason": "Transaction was passed externally to to be processed.",
"error": null,
"timestamp": "2021-04-02T16:20:26.1049106Z",
"DestinationKey": 0,
"SourceKey": 1432,
"TransactionId": 17624171,
"Transaction": null
"path_id": 30073374,
"from": "External",
"source_name": "NMI",
"to": "Gateway",
"destination": "NMI Sandbox Gateway",
"result": "Passed",
"reason": "Transaction successfully processed by the Connector.",
"error": null,
"timestamp": "2021-04-02T16:20:27.8853644Z",
"DestinationKey": 1432,
"SourceKey": 0,
"TransactionId": 17624171,
"Transaction": null
"path_id": 30073375,
"from": "Site",
"source_name": "Basic Site",
"to": "External",
"destination": "",
"result": "Passed",
"reason": "Returned to requester.",
"error": null,
"timestamp": "2021-04-02T16:20:28.7937629Z",
"DestinationKey": 0,
"SourceKey": 1236,
"TransactionId": 17624171,
"Transaction": null
"Results": [
"result_id": 18575456,
"result_type": 4,
"specific": 941601,
"method": 9,
"response": 6,
"variety": 16,
"value": "response=1&responsetext=SUCCESS&authcode=123456&transactionid=6141225290&avsresponse=&cvvresponse=&orderid=&type=sale&response_code=100",
"filter_field_id": 0,
"Transaction": null
"result_id": 18575457,
"result_type": 1,
"specific": 111100,
"method": 1,
"response": 1,
"variety": 1,
"value": "100 | SUCCESS",
"filter_field_id": 0,
"Transaction": null
"result_id": 18575458,
"result_type": 2,
"specific": 921299,
"method": 9,
"response": 2,
"variety": 12,
"value": "",
"filter_field_id": 0,
"Transaction": null
"result_id": 18575459,
"result_type": 3,
"specific": 131211,
"method": 1,
"response": 2,
"variety": 12,
"value": "",
"filter_field_id": 0,
"Transaction": null
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